Intra workout carbohydrates are pretty “in” these days. Any gym you go to you will find someone sipping on a Gatorade or a similar sugary drink. The problem is…

Intra workout carbohydrates are pretty “in” these days. Any gym you go to you will find someone sipping on a Gatorade or a similar sugary drink. The problem is…
I already debunked the myth that you shouldn’t eat right before going to bed in a different post. It’s one of those myths you hear all the time and one…
Muscle growth is a fascinating subject and chances are you want some yourself. You probably know that to get your body to build new muscle tissue a few things need…
If you have just signed up for a gym membership but never actually trained in one you might be a little nervous about your first day there. You are probably…
Being healthy is more than just the right diet. You also have to stay active and work out your body and train your heart, lungs and muscle. The problem is…
I’m writing this right before Easter, but depending on when you read it a different holiday might be coming up. With time flying these days, it seems like the next…
Jordan Peterson is one of the most famous intellectuals right now and he recently said on the Joe Rogan show that he pretty much only eats meat. So in this…
If you want to lose weight, one of the first questions that you will ask yourself is: Should I do traditional cardio like jogging, or is it better to…
Understanding food packaging and nutrition labels is key to healthy eating and weight management. Just like a sound financial plan needs to keep track of expenses and incomes, a good…
Next to low-fat diets, low-carb diets are among the most popular diets in the western world. In fact, during the 90s the Atkins diet was probably the go-to diet…