Fats are an important part of your diet and people require around at least 15 % of their calories to be fat. This ensures proper hormone production and to keep…

Fats are an important part of your diet and people require around at least 15 % of their calories to be fat. This ensures proper hormone production and to keep…
Finding the right foods for a quick energy boost can be a tricky topic. Why? Because in theory, all foods provide calories and therefore energy. This would mean…
Calcium (Ca), is an important macromineral which we need quite a bit of. It supports muscle function, transmits nerve impulses, helps cells to communicate and is involved in the release…
When you are stressed life becomes more difficult. But reducing stress can be complicated in our busy every day lives. Nonetheless, when it comes to your diet there are quite…
When setting up your diet and looking at the foods you want to include you might ask yourself: “Should men and women eat or diet differently?” This is an…
Even though beauty products nowadays get more and more sophisticated, some of the best ways to get glowing skin and hair are still natural foods. There is an increasing…
One of the most common questions asked by my students is how can you increase testosterone levels without using steroids. This is a valid question because we all know that…
We all know that the right intake of vitamins is crucial for health and fitness. But if you have ever taken a vitamin supplement you might have asked yourself: Can…
Has anyone ever told you that carbs and protein should be eaten separately because they need different environments for digestion? The “carb and protein separation” fad builds on the…
In this post, I want to talk about the two most hated nutrients out there: Sugar vs fat. Are they really that bad and which of the two is…