Nutrient Overview
Calories: Low
Protein: Moderate
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: High
Fiber: High
Sodium: Moderate
Main vitamin: Vitamin A
Main mineral: Potassium
Health Benefits
Carrots are a high fiber vegetable that also contains soluble pectins and an appreciable amount of sugar, which is mostly sucrose plus a little starch. Carrots are also an extraordinary source of Vitamin A.
Imagine this, one raw carrot has two grams of dietary fiber. According, too, to American Cancer Society, carrots may lower the risk for cancer of the larynx, lungs and esophagus.
Buying & Storing Carrots
Something to remember when buying carrots look for firm and bright orange-yellow carrots with a fresh, crisp and greet top. The best way to consume carrots is to have them cooked. Our body actually absorbs its nutrients better that way. 
Lastly, for storing carrots trim off the top green. Remember to trim off the green tops that way they don’t wilt and rot. Keep them cool, too. By doing this, the Vitamin A content in the carrots will actually increase over time.

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