Nutrient Overview
Calories: Low
Protein: Medium
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: High
Fiber: Low
Sodium: Moderate to high
Main vitamin: Vitamin C
Main mineral: Potassium
Health Benefits
If you want to get to the best part of Artichokes, which is called the heart or meat you have to really work. But the digging is definitely worth it. Artichokes protect the liver and Bring Stomach Relief. In fact, most supplements specifically made for liver health contain artichoke extract.
This is because of its high silymarin content, which is a plant compound that nourishes the liver. Not only that but Artichokes extract has also been shown to Reduce levels of cholesterol. In one study, 75 volunteers were given 1,200 mg of the herbal supplement and 75 took a placebo.
At the end of the trial, the participants that took the artichoke extract reduced their cholesterol level by an average of 4 percent. While this is not the world it was definitely significant enough for the study to gain some prominence.
As for stomach relief, people with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) upset show amazing improvement when consuming artichokes leaves. They often also experience substantial relief from stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Buying & Storing Artichokes
You always want to look for heavy and Compact Artichokes, with tightly closed leaves. The color is of lesser importance because it changes with the season— light green in the spring and dark green in the winter if they have been exposed to frost.
Don’t buy yellow Artichokes, however! This is an indicator that the vegetable is aging. If you want to store Artichokes, keep them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
How To Consume / Cook Artichokes
Artichokes should be cooked. In fact, you want to cook them very quickly and with the lid off the pot otherwise they will turn brown due to a chemical reaction

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