Nutrient Overview
Calories: Low 
Protein: Low
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None 
Carbohydrates: High 
Fiber: Moderate 
Sodium: Low
Main vitamin: Vitamin A, Vitamin C 
Main mineral: Iron, Calcium
Health Benefits
Lettuces include iceberg, endive, leaf lettuce, radicchio or arugula. They are all virtually fat-free leafy foods with a lot of vitamin A. Lettuce also provides moderate amounts of vitamin C, and some iron and calcium. 
Besides their vitamin content, lettuces might lower the risk of certain birth defects. This is because folate deficiencies during pregnancy, which can be treated with romaine lettuce or by taking a folate supplement. 
Lettuce might also lower the risk of heart attack. In a meta-study which included the data of over 80,000 women, it was shown that a diet providing more than 400 mcg folate and 3 mg vitamin B6 daily possibly reduces a woman’s risk of heart attack by almost 50 percent. 
These results most likely also apply to men. There is, however, one similar study that found no such link so, the jury is still out on the actual relationship of lettuce and heart attacks.
What we do know, however, is that dark greens will benefit your eyes and protect your vision. This is because their ingredients slow down age-related degeneration if the eyes. 
Buying & Storing Lettuce
When buying lettuce, look for brightly colored heads, that are tightly closed and heavy for their size. If you find any loose leaves they have to be crisp. Avoid heads with darkened or yellow leaves. Brown leaves are a sign that the lettuce is old and no longer at its best, so avoid those. 
When storing, Wrap lettuce in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. The colder the better. There it can stay fresh for two or sometimes three weeks.
Consuming lettuce
Make sure to wash all lettuce, even when its sold as “pre-washed”, like many pre-cut salad mixes. When you cut them, consume them right away, as torn lettuce cells release an enzyme that destroys vitamin C.

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