Research has shown that taking the right supplements can not only help your normal health but also your brain health and protect against mental decline in the future. Here are the best options to chose from.
Blueberries contain molecules called anthocyanins and pterostilbenes, which protect the brain and positively influence its activity. They also support the growth of neurons and their interaction. Even better, blueberries are safe and do not interact negatively with other meds, which makes them the ideal supplement for more memory and focus
To supplement correctly take 500 – 1,000 mg of a blueberry supplement or eat around 100 grams of the real thing. You want to make sure that your supplement is concentrated for anthocyanin content otherwise your daily dose will have to be higher.
Bacopa monnieri
Another great supplement is Bacopa monnieri, which is a swamp plant used traditionally in Indian medicine. It is usually recommended for elderly people but people from other age groups will benefit from supplementation as well. Basically, what Bacopa monnieri does is improve working memory, which describes the ability to focus on a certain topic while also retain it for later.
You should take around 750 – 1,500 mg of Bacopa monnieri along with food, once a day. It has to be supplemented for at least one month to see results so make sure you don’t expect results too soon.
L-Theanine with Caffeine
And lastly, a supplement mix that you will find in many pre-workout supplements. L-Theanine with caffeine. Together they not only raise your energy level but also improve focus and attention span. If you aren’t used to either start by taking 100 mg L-theanine and 50 mg of caffeine. Once you get used to it you can gradually increase the dose of both but don’t exceed 200 mg of either. For optimal results, you should take this mix 30 minutes before you need increased attention and focus.