We all know that staying hydrated is vital to your health. But should you also drink water during your meals? Some people say water dilutes the digestive juices and…

Has anyone ever told you that carbs and protein should be eaten separately because they need different environments for digestion? The “carb and protein separation” fad builds on the…

Protein is by far the most important macronutrient when it comes to building muscle or retaining it when wanting to lose weight. Most people think protein is just necessary for…

If you want to lose weight but are new to meal planning you are probably extremely confused. Every fitness coach out there recommends a different diet. Some say you should…

We all heard that the right diet is more important than the right workout. But as a beginner designing the right meal plan can be difficult especially when you don’t…

Whether or not you should supplement vitamin b is a difficult question, because Vitamin B is actually made up of several B vitamins that work together in the body, with…

We all know that losing weight can be tough. Many people diet for weeks and still don’t seem to make any progress. Or they make some progress, but once they…

If you just started a diet you may have noticed that a lot of healthy food options are pretty expensive. Quality meat and organic vegetables are definitely better for you…

For many beginners getting a six-pack is one of the main reasons they get into fitness and start dieting. And that’s great. Having nice abs is amazing and will definitely…

Finding the right supplements for your health and fitness goals can be a difficult task. With so many products on the market you are probably confused as to which you…