Nutrient Overview
Calories: Moderate
Protein: Moderate
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: High
Fiber: Low to High
Sodium: Low
Main vitamin: Vitamin B
Main mineral: Iron and Calcium
Health Benefits
Rice is a staple in a lot of countries and while white rice accounts for most of the rice eaten worldwide, brown rice is the more nutritious of the two.
The difference is simple: brown rice is the entire grain of rice while white rice has had the bran layer removed. The bran is also where the majority of its fiber content is located along with many of its vitamins and minerals.
Brown rice is a great source of vitamin B phosphorus, and iron, and of course full of dietary fiber. Since it’s a slow digesting carbohydrate it will only raise your blood sugar level gradually.
Not only that but brown rice and other whole grains are a rich source of magnesium, which aids the body in an efficient use of glucose and insulin secretion. This is very good news for diabetics and pre-diabetics.
Buying & Storing Brown Rice
When buying brown rice, look for those in tightly sealed packages that protect the rice from air and moisture. Avoid stained boxes of rice as whatever spilled on the box may have seeped through the cardboard.
When storing rice make sure it’s stored in moisture-proof containers in a cool and dark cabinet. Keeping them dry protects its fats from oxygen.

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