The Benefits Of Walking For Weight Loss

After covering the benefits of HIIT in my last post, I want to say a few words about a form of cardio that gets very little attention. Walking.
Of course, walking doesn’t burn as many calories as other forms of intense exercise, but it is a way to increase energy expenditure and lose weight. This is especially true for the elderly or people who simply don’t feel comfortable hitting these high intense workouts right away.
What you have to understand is that even though I often compare different types of workouts and recommend the best ones, any type of exercise will help you lose weight. If currently, you are completely sedentary then it might be too drastic of a change to start HIIT right away.
No problem, I completely understand. Take baby steps, literally, and simply start walking more. Nowadays many people rely way too much on their cars and use it for distances that you could easily walk.
If this is you, then next time think about the benefits of walking and remember that a short walk of 20 minutes burns more than 100 calories. This isn’t the world but over the course of a week, this can be the difference between weight stagnation and weight loss. Even if you don’t change anything else.
Walking also reduces the risk of heart disease and counteracts stress while reducing cortisol levels. Also, unlike more intense forms of exercise, walking places almost no stress on the body, which means you pretty much can’t walk too much.


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