Healthy joints are important not only for sports performance but for your quality of life and to prevent common diseases like osteoporosis. If you feel your joints are at higher risks, for example because you lift heavy weights or simply because you are getting older, consider taking one of the following supplements.
Calcium should best be taken along with vitamin D, as together they ensure strong bones and ligaments by preventing early loss of bone mass and also fractures. A good calcium supplement can be effective in reducing joint inflammation and pain, especially in the knees.
If you prefer to get your calcium from foods, go with milk, yogurt, and broccoli. Also, as a general rule, women will be more likely to need to supplement calcium than men and should aim for 600 mg per day.
Fish Oil
1 to 3 grams of fish oil per day can help reduce the intensity of joint pain and ease common symptoms like morning stiffness, tenderness and general discomfort.
Fish oil is high in the essential omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentatonic acid (EPA) and decoxahexaeonic acid (DHA). Both reduce inflammation in the joints while also limiting the production of certain negative proteins that inhibit certain types of arthritis. A reduction in inflammation along with increased blood flow will also help with swelling. 

Cissus Quadrangularis
Another great supplement is Cissus Quadrangularis or simply Cissus. Cissus is an herb that has been used for hundreds of years to heal bone fractures and joints. In one trial it cut the recovery time after a bone fracture almost in half.
You can get its benefits by supplementing around 300 – 600 mg of Cissus per day. Keep in mind it does sometimes relax the muscles, so it shouldn’t be taken before a workout.
Methylsulfonylmethane (or simply MSM) is also a supplement that is said to help with joint pain. It is a naturally occurring compound found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, research on msm is limited but my personal experience supports this claim and I have had great results with it so far.
One study found that around 3g of MSM twice a day improved symptoms of pain and physical function so this might be a daily dose you want to shoot for.
Vitamin C
And last but not least make sure you also get enough vitamin c if you suffer from joint pain, because it is a powerful antioxidant in joint fluid. A vitamin c deficiency can lead to reduced collagen formation and slower joint healing.

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