Nutrient Overview
Calories: Moderate
Protein: Low
Fat: High
Saturated fat: High
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: Moderate
Fiber: High to very high
Sodium: Low
Main vitamin: Vitamin A and C and folate
Main mineral: Potassium
Health Benefits
Avocados are truly a superfood and what most people don’t know avocados are actually a fruit and not a vegetable. Not only are they high in healthy unsaturated fats that many of us don’t get enough of, they also contain lots of vitamins and minerals.
Now even though a regular sized avocado has around 215 calories, don’t worry about it as this is normal for foods that are high in dietary fats.
Avocados will primarily boost your health by balancing blood lipids. As most of us aren’t getting enough unsaturated fats and too much saturated fats, more balanced blood lipids will protect your cardiovascular health and lower the risk of heart disease. 
Not only that, but the fat-soluble vitamins in avocados will also make you prettier by benefiting your skin, eyes and hair, while being completely free from unwanted chemicals. That’s the reason why some people even use avocado as a topical lotion. 
Buying & Storing Avocados
When looking for avocados choose those that feel heavy for their size. Avoid those with soft dark spots that indicate damage.
One good trick to see if an avocado is still fresh is to take off the little stem on the top. if the fruit is green inside it means its still fresh. If, however, you can only see a dark spot you want to avoid that avocado. When it comes to storing the food, keep unripe avocados in a warm place and soft and ripe avocados in the fridge. 

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