Nutrient Overview
Calories: Low
Protein: High
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: Moderate
Fiber: Low
Sodium: Moderate
Main vitamin: Vitamin A and C, folate
Main mineral: Potassium
Health Benefits
Spinach has only moderate to low amounts of essential amino acids. To compensate for this, spinach is high in vitamin A and vitamin C and as you probably know rich in iron.
The problem with its iron content is however that it’s bound to a naturally-occurring chemical called oxalic acid that makes is difficult for the body to absorb. therefore we only use about 5 percent of the iron in spinach. 
Buying & Preparing Spinach
When looking to buy Spinach look for the ones that are fresh, crisp and dark green in color. Avoid those with yellow leaves as they could mean that they have lost their Vitamin C nutrients.  
The best way to serve spinach to protect its Vitamin C value is to have it steamed or served fresh. When preparing spinach, wash it thoroughly under cool running water and make sure to remove all sand and debris.
Discard damaged or yellow leaves as they do not have enough Vitamin C nutrients. Trim the ribs and stems without removing them entirely as those are also rich in food fiver. When storing Spinach refrigerate but keep them in a roomy plastic bag. 

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