Nutrient Overview
Calories: Moderate
Protein: Low
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: High
Fiber: Moderate
Sodium: Low
Main vitamin: Vitamin C
Main mineral: Iron, Zinc
Health Benefits
Quinoa is a seed that originally stems from Latin America, primarily Peru and Bolivia. It is high in iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium and is one of the few complete plant-based proteins. Due to its lower overall protein content, however, you should consider it a carbohydrate rather than a protein source.  
Important for people suffering from celiac disease is that quinoa is gluten-free. As a complex carbohydrate, it will keep you full for longer and is a great addition for a healthy diet.  
How To Prepare Quinoa
Preparing quinoa is similar to preparing rice. Rinse it off with water to remove its bitter coating and then cook for around 15 minutes. Cooked quinoa should have a fluffy texture with a slight bite and a somewhat nutty taste.
Remember that like rice quinoa expands when you cook it so it grows quite a bit in volume. You can eat quinoa with just about anything from meat or fish to vegetables and Fruits. It’s really versatile and delicious. 

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